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Cat pulling silicone off windows

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sazzle84 | 18:24 Sat 19th Nov 2011 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers

Our 5 year old cat is constantly pulling silicone sealant from windows and around the bath. She doesn't eat it thankfully but is costing us a fortune constantly replacing it.

Do you have any suggestions to solve this problem? She isn't bored as has lots of toys and plays on her cat stand/scratching post. She is also well loved and has lots of cuddles so cant be attention seeking.

Thank you.


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Keep the bathroom door closed?
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just for a short period, is it possible to put double sided sticky tape on much of the areas? I know it seems a hassle but cats just hate it and it does work.
^^^ sorry, I didn't read that properly....
I agree wth rsvp, or maybe a few strategically placed drops of tabasco sauce or something similar......
Wreck her cat stand and she doesnt behave the scratching post gets it.Only kittting.
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Thanks RSVP, I will try that. She's a nightmare bless her. By pulling it off the windows it lets sooo much heat out.
can appreciate it sazzle - I used this method to stop a beastie shredding the arms of the sofas - after a while he simply gave up and used a scratching post. Good luck and do keep us posted (even if it's just to laugh at your futile efforts to outwit kitty!!):-)))
Maybe smearing a generous amount of Vaseline on the sealant would put her off, and she'd learn not to touch it?
I'd agree re double sided tape.... but another thing they hate is citrus so leaving orange or lemon peel in the area may deter her too
its the plastic taste my nans cats where the same try smearing it with something that taste vile to them x
Another choice is use a different sealant as Silicone has proven to house legionnaires disease .Use a poly sulphide and then a small plastic cover bead and it looks so much neater anyway

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