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Take Care- icy roads

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TheOtherHalf | 08:09 Thu 15th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
6.15 and I was first on the scene to a bad accident this morning. A car slid straight into a parked car. Called ambulance and police ,and I stayed with him until they got there. Luckily, I think hes ok. Just a lone driver,and just complaining of neck pain but you never know until they get you into hospital do you. So take care everyone xxx


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Good advice OH, thank you for the reminder. Hope the driver you saw is OK.
Came home early last evening and they were gritting the roads round here. Didn't think it was that cold, but turned the next corner and slid sideways - made me realise how easy it is and it was a definite wake up call.
Ice? Its 17 degrees!
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how kind of you to stay until the services arrived, I wish there were more nice people like you.
Big freeze tomorrow, be careful everyone.

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Take Care- icy roads

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