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bit late....Ideas please

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tamborine | 02:39 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I've got to wear festive tomorrow - what can I make; I haven't bought anything ?


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Iv'e got a tin hat you can borrow Tambo.
Question Author
spose I could cover it with tinsel - thanx mooney
Go as a bunch of grapes, get a load of baloons, and pin then to a swimsuit, puy
Sorry, pin ballons to your costume, hey ho, bunch of grapes, much beter when sober ( my daughter won fancey dress with this idea) ..................... BAN ME NOW
Wear tinsel :)

Or red lippy for a elfish looking rosey cheeks n lips x
Question Author
am working in a high street shop.
Deck your t__s with boughs of holly,tra a la

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bit late....Ideas please

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