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Does anyone want to come with me?

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abstibus | 13:21 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I have won 95 million pounds and the diplomat has arrived with my consignment.
I wonder if it's the same diplomat who has been waiting at the airport since late October?


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I too am a multi millionaire,I will come with you and share our good fortune
I can't go as I'm still trying to frame the letter of thanks to the chap from Nigeria who's offered me the opportunity to share the millions of a deposed tyrant from Burkina-Faso who died in a plane crash.
Spend your new found wealth wisely.
lol gotta love these emailsx
If this is about the person who wrote to me that all their relatives died in an accident and they havent long to live, so they have chosen me at random to have all their money, then I am sorry I ignored them.
if i post my bank details , will you deposit some cash for me ? ;-D
I'm not greedy,just a million pounds will do. Then I will go somewhere warm next christmas.
I'm a pauper in comparison - a mere $10.5 mln from Aisha Gadaffi via Burkina Faso.
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I have won another 600k, but the diplomat is now at Jacksonville Airport in Florida and I'm not.
That has totally spoiled my New Year, as I wanted to spend it here.

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Does anyone want to come with me?

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