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A special wish for Sqad.

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Ann | 01:35 Sun 01st Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
All good wishes from us all here at AB, we wish you a speedy recovery and a Happy and Healthy new Year. We just wanted you to know we are all thinking of you and hope you leave hospital as planned today......


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Hear here or should it be here hear. Maybe I've had one to many - off up the wooden stairs to Bedford now. Night night all.
If Sqad wants to leave hospital 'as planned', Ann, can you see anyone stopping him? Nobody could be THAT brave, surely? ;-)

Get well soon, Sqad!
Good wishes from me too, Sqad, you old bu88er. x
Thanks all....going today flight 1600 hrs.

Happy New Year to all ABers.
Happy new year from me too, hope the flight goes well and you're soon home to recover well too.
have a safe flight home.
^^ I'll second all the comments.
Happy New Year Sqad and get well soon x
And I hope you do what your doctor tells you and not what you think you will do yourself. Take care.
Happy happy happy happy new year my love......hope you are feeling a wee bit better ....take care and be good..but if you can't be good...then at least be good at being bad !!!xxxx.....
Happy new year sqad.....Hope you are much better.xx

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A special wish for Sqad.

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