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rozia | 00:23 Sun 08th Jan 2012 | Home & Garden
36 Answers
do you change your bedding? i know its a silly question, i change mine every weekend, is that too long?


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Me too, never more than once a week and often a fortnight (pillowcases more often). Thank God I don't have a bathmat.
Thank God for that, thanks ladies, I expected gasps of horror and mutterings of "you filthy mare", rofl.
dont worry BOO mines every couple of weeks. I think there are alot of fibbers on here and even I was sat waiting for someone like you to say longer lol
Well sher, I don't blame you changing them once a fortnight, so much laundry!....I could sometimes leave mine for two weeks really, it's just habit, Friday is bedding day!........and Boo, you're not a slob, why make yourself work when you don't need to, if the bedding is fine I don't blame you leaving it for tow weeks, in fact I think I'll try doing that too, mine doesn't really need to be done every week!........
It's not so much the laundry as getting it all dried - I have already turned the spare bathroom (don't ask) into a drying/storage of stuff to be ironed room and I have two airers.
It's each to their own. There is no right or wrong, you do what suits you. Just because someone has their bedding on their bed for two weeks doesnt make them slobs or filthy. As I said, it's just me living here so I have the time and washing machine space to change my bed 2-3 times a week. I am an extremely bad sleeper and for some reason when I have clean bedding I sleep much better. If I could be bothered I would change it every day for that reason, but I'm lazy lol :)
if I did it every week that would mean every week I would have bedsheets hanging from the bannisters, would be so annoying
I can imagine sher, so much laundry!......roll on Summer, and good drying days!.....
I only change mine every ten days to a fortnight these days .MR S and I have seperate beds since his illness and I'm a restless moo with the arthritics .I don't stink and have clean nightwear every day ( my little luxury ) so I can't see the point .I do however have a fettish for clean towels every day :)
I work full time but even if I had all the time in the world, I wouldn't spend it washing the bed linen or the bath mat more than once a fortnight.

If you were to step on a bath mat with a clean pair of feet, why would you need to wash it immediately afterwards? Don't understand .
Thank goodness, the later posts prove that none of us are slobs - I wash the bathmat when it's dirty. It's not dirty when you get out of the bath with clean feet. I change the hand towels and tea towels when they need canging (new bath towels though, each time we use them, i wouldn't reuse a bath towel). I've got better things to do than keep doing laundry.

We do however change our underwear every day, all of it (but that's perhaps for a completely different thread!)
I have those towelling mats to put down when I get out of the bath which get chucked in with the towels .I can't stand fussy bathroom mats and as for those fluffy covers on toilet lids and those mats which go round the pan or carpet in bathrooms ...Ugh..
eeeeeugh yer shaney agree there with the toilet mats, yuk how much pee goes on them. And those bath mats that go in bath get mould and scum round the sucky bits. I have a towelling mat when I get out of bath. but dryet first,I walk around bare foot most of time and dont have to pull up my carpets every week. Peoples sofas get more use out of a bed aswell and when do they get washed??
I'd say 2 to 3 weeks. I usually have a bath before I go to bed so it stay pretty clean. My bath robe and towels get washed once a week but I change my hand towel every 2 days as it seems to get wet and stay wet with the amount of times I wash my hands (OCD issue) after the loo.
shaneystar, I don't have them either, just a bath mat, it's just like a towel really but a bit thicker, I wash after every use as it's usually really wet, just throw it in with the towels!.........
. Lol ..4getmenot ..When you live with three blokes for donkeys years and the they sometimes don't aim straight ..mats are the last thing you need !

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