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Susanna Watch

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Slapshot | 07:03 Sat 04th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
By 'eck she looks fantastic this morning......


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What do you mean this morning....she always looks amazing!
Not as nice as Sian tho.
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Just especially gorgeous this morning...
How is she looking so perky ??

Her Friday night was obviously nothing like mine.
I like the little flesh coloured patch on her dress, just in the vee of her jacket.

It looks like her tummy, which makes it look as if the dark bit of her dress is just a bra.

Or maybe it IS just a bra ???
Damn, just woke up. What have I missed? Another vision of loveliness by the sounds of it!
No, just Susu flashing her cleavage in a lacy bra, under a black jacket with silky lapels.
I wish that was a wind up jj. Unfortunately for me it sounds as though it isn't....
I wish they would stop hiding behind a desk at the weekends.

I hate to think she is wearing fluffy slippers under there.
Or wellies
Steel toe caps?

Morning moonie, must go, have a good un xx
alba and moonraker,

Please desist in your attempts at spoiling my fantasy, it's quite obvious she' be wearing French knickers and some sheer hosiery behind that desk.
I doubt if she's wearing anything from the waist down.

I mean ... why would she bother?

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