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Poll : If caught with an itchy bottom in public, do you scratch it or hide to scratch it?

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LochNessMonster | 09:31 Wed 15th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
This always seems to happen when your in a department store ?

I hide, as I shy ?

Nessie TLNM


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I remember that Billy Connolly advised that if caught with an itchy bum in public you need to shout out as loud as possible "Oh my, I have an incredibly itchy bum and I need to scratch it".
All the people nearby will do the polite thing and look away leaving you to scratch your bum unobserved.
10:07 Wed 15th Feb 2012
or discretely check their nails....
Oh, purleeeeze !
There was a young lady from Natchez
Whose clothes were all made of patches
When asked why this was
she said it's because
Whenever I itches I scratches
Is that a roast chicken ???
Yes JJ. A friend sent me a recipe for lemon chicken and one of the directions was to push lemon halves under the skin. This was the pic of a serving suggestion.
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