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Tough gig for Englebert?

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Khandro | 10:57 Sun 04th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I haven't even watched the event for decades let alone vote, but he will certainly get my vote regardless of the song - just for true grit. Will you vote for him?


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Do we get to vote?
We can't vote for our own country representative, but they say as Englebert is well known across Europe, they are pinning their hopes on the fact that other countries will vote for him rather than freezing the UK out as usually happens :)
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ummmm; I don't know the rules, can you not vote in the UK?
I don't watch it, but I think they have voting panels. It isn't a public vote.
I haven't watched it for years Khandro. The public never used to be able to vote.
I think they did introduce public voting in recent years but you can't vote for your own country.
a little "regional voting guide" map here

... thbough since it seems to show Greece and Turkey in the same bloc, it's probably not that reliable
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I'll be too embarrassed to watch and for too anti both old crooners or eurovision, to vote.

But I'll happily to eat those words afterwards should I be proved wrong. Unlikely.
No definitely not. Dont watch and don't care who wins.
We consider it our annual "laugh at foreigners evening"

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Tough gig for Englebert?

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