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TheOtherHalf | 17:29 Mon 09th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Its Paddington Bears 50 birthday today. Me and OH were discussing about birthdays when we were younger and I just happened to mention to him that none of us or close friends ever had birthday parties. He couldnt believe it. He was an only child so it was made a bif thing of. Ive asked the rest of my family and they agree that none of did have a party or even a card. Just a small gift from parents.

How about the rest of you ?


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I can't remember having any birthday parties as a youngster. Can't remember friends having any either. :o/

I do remember, with my first week's wages, fulfilling a promise I'd made to my mum....I bought a leg of lamb for a roast dinner and we thoroughly enjoyed snaffling it.

Yup, it's that old "cardboard box" thread again. :o)
Eeee, we used to dream of leg of lamb. Lamb's toenail clippings was height of luxury for us.
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I didnt intend it to turn into a `cardboard box` thread Mrs Chappie. Just interested to know. Its such a sign of the times though isnt it, of how things have changed
Lol @ Kiki.

I know you didn't, t'other half. I was referring to ME doing so (one of my traits I'm afraid).

Times have certainly changed since I worra lass. :o)
Yes, sorry TOH for sabotaging your thread. I couldn't help myself.

It is an interesting topic, though. Especially as none of your friends had parties either. Is it a regional thing maybe?
I didn't have parties but living in a pub, having a massive family, and a rich grandad, meant I got loads for birthdays (and xmas)
We never had birthday parties, but since my birthday's between Christmas and New Year the decorations were still up!

This trend of having parties where everyone goes bowling etc., or every child has to have a decent party bag, is just commercialism gone mad to me.
I only had one when I was a kid and my parents said NEVER again, I stayed in my room and refused to come out and play with any of my friends (funny I still prefer my own company to others!)
My 9 year old daughter gets invited to loads but has yet to have one herself, don't fancy having a dozen or so kids running round my house and venue's are so expensive!
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I think thats why I gave my son parties, because I didnt have them. I used to be in charge of the childrens parties when I worked at McDonalds. I loved doing them and organising the games. I must admit I was quite good at it and when the kids used to see me apart from McDonalds they would come up and hug me ( lovely)
Its so expensive to take them to a venue though isnt it, like the cinema or bowling that you have to limit numbers, whereas at home, just buns, cakes etc can cost a lot less and more fun I think. I really miss doing them. Perhaps, when gchildren come along ( big sigh )

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