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Smowball | 00:34 Tue 10th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
I'm sure you are all sick of my late night ramblings but its the only me time I get to think straight. I'm just not sure if my hubbie has a personality prob, a strange behaviour trait, or if its just me!
This morn his mum rang and said she was popping over to give my son his easter egg. Got off phone and hubbie said we might as well go and collect it as he needed to finish a repair at their house, so i called her and said we would be over in an hour. I anticipated being there no more than an hour. Was in kitchen 5 mins later and phone rang, hubbie answered. Didnt hear who is was or what was said. Got to their house and they poured me a glass of wine. Offered a 2nd and I said no am driving and got very puzzled look. You're staying for dinner they said. Looked at hubby and said are we?? Oh, they rang and invited us for dinner earlier. He hadnt mentioneed it, I looked a wally and in fact we didnt leave there till 11pm and I thought we were going over for a cup of tea!! Why didnt he tell me??


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have you and OH had any discussion tonight re the issue yesterday ?
Hug from me smow. I think he is depressed too btw!

And i spill my guts on helps. Sometimes i feel guilty when its about my mum but i dont always want to talk to family ...continue to share on here xxx
You're anonymous on here unless you chose not to be. Why would someone go mad about talking to strangers who have absolutely no clue who you are?
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Hi guys, just sneaking on during lunch break! Yes I did ask him why he never told me that we had been invited for lunch/the day and he just said he didnt know. Told him it would have been nice to know as I wouldnt have turned up empty handed and would have taken a bottle of wine and flowers.Left it at that.
As long as everything is alright besides these annoyances. It does seem to be the only thing you complain about, and most of us have something to moan about.

If I moaned about the things my OH does you'd all think he was a complete headdick, when in fact he's lovely.
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lol ummmm,you're probably dead right. If we all listed everything our OH's did then they would all sound awful! He's a good, hard-working guy : )
(who's a bit depressed)

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