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Slapshot | 10:24 Fri 13th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
...that ugly Brick woman is at it again


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She was a very pretty teen girl, if those pictures of her with her dad are to be believed.

She's still an attractive looking woman. No, not beautiful, but attractive enough, it's just a shame her personality and over bearing self belief doesn't let us get beyond that.
I read it too Slapshot.

I have three girls, and a teenage grandaughter, and i have always done my utmost to affirm them as important valuable people, and of course, they are beautiful to me.

But if I thought that my love and affirmation had turned them into deluded self-obsessed egotists like Ms. Brick, I would think I had gone wrong somewhere.

The only time I felt able to go totally over the top with my feelings about their worth and beauty was on their repsective wedding days - which is part of the pleasure of the bride's father's speech - but that's for a fe minutes on one very special day.

Any dad is proud of his daughter, as it is right to be, the danger is, making her disprportionately proud of herself, and keen to let everyone know about it.
She's not ugly. Far from it...

She also came across quite well in the interview I'd seen.
The interview on This Morning? I thought she came over very badly on that. Completely refused to accept any of the comments made to her.
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I'm with you there Andy-Hughes...Bex gets all the positive stuff I can give her, she was hard to come by so she gets spoilt but we would be letting our kids down by letting them think they can go out into the world and rabbit on like this idiot woman!!

Sad that the Daily Heil lets trash like this on its pages!!
Is there a link to her new ramblings, please?
It wants trash like that on it's pages Slapshot. It made them a hell of a lot of cash.
Evian - much better than expected.
i think its been blown up out of all proportion, she is attractive (well i think so) and all she has done is said she thinks is. the point of the article was how other people reacted to that
If slapshot is talking about the DM's article, it's here...

She looks much better when she's not posing for the camera.
mccfluff - I feel Ms. Brick is not as innocent as you are suggesting.

She wrote an original piece that painted her as a simultaniously fabulously attractive woman who is adored by complete strangers - bottles of wine / flowers / train tickets etc. and vilified by her own gender who regard her as a serious threat to their husbands / partners.

The hostility rained down on her was utterly unjustified, since she is guilty merely of being at once over-self-confident and naiive, neither of which deserved the hatred she received from total strangers.

The problem lies in ther writing two further articles - the first one bemoaning her reception and the hurt it caused her, which shows her naiivity to its full extent, and the second confirming her spef-perception, and advising that it was created by her father's love and affection.

As I stated, i have always affirmed my girls, as any father should, but i have also instilled in them the understanding that the world can be a harsh and cruel place - without going out looking for hostility by exhibiting a sense of arrogance delusion, and then self-pity.
mccfluff - a further point if I may - the phrase 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' is true because it is down to the beholder to advise anyone of their beauty, not the individual themselves.

Take a woman like Halle Berry who is by any meausre one of the most beautiful women in the world, and far more deserving of the adoration Ms. Brick claims is hers by right - I don't recall her ever saying that she is sensationally beautiful. She doesn't need to - an adoring public does it for her - and that is the way society operates.

Be beautiful, and know it - no problem, assume you are beautiful and tell everyone that your gender hates you for it - incoming!!!
She don't get i does she ?

Yes of course your the most beautiful woman I have ever met ....
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What's your name again ?
Yes of course I will call you ...bye
SIRandyraven, LOL your right.

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