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cupid04 | 23:37 Wed 09th May 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
have you all been doing?


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Knitting a lacy shawl with some beautiful,fine wool I found in a charity shop. Am now cross eyed from squinting at the pattern.
Now Douglas has made me feel old.
^^ :) ^^
I've gone quite warm..................
You won`t want the shawl then Craft?
I actually watched some tv without having to rewind to see what i'd missed while looking/listening/answering threads on addictive here!
A.B. Sorting out my papers, A.B. Lunch, Hovering, A.B. sorting out some papers, Leaving Feedback on EBay.
because its such a horrible day. and the " house" is quiet, been wasting my time on the net.
well in the evenings I've been embroidering and beading the shrug/jacket thingy to go over my wedding dress
I wouldn't mind doing some Hovering.
im going to get my swiffer out !

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