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I'm a worrier with no worries. Yeay!

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Jenarry | 00:58 Sun 13th May 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I'm afraid I'm a born worrier and i find social things a bit difficult which i worry about until they are done and I ALWAYS seem to have something around the corner that I am whittling about. most recently was having to appear in court as a witness against my bf's ex who assaulted us both...phew i'm glad that's over!
But anyway right now there is nothing round the corner ,nothing on the horizon. Nothing,nothing ,nothing. Wahoo!!!!!


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Ah, you are aware that the world is going to end this December? LOL.
I declare you an honourary Australian. No worries mate. :)
Bet cancel the christmas club outing, then!
I'm right around the corner, and I'm watching youuuuuu!
Just found this poem:

Why Worry - An Irish Poem, anonymous..

Why Worry? In life there are only two things to worry about:
Whether you are well,
or whether you are sick.

Now if you are well,
You have nothing to worry about.

And if you are sick,
You only have two things to worry about:
Whether you get better,
or whether you die.

If you get better,
You have nothing to worry about.

And if you die,
You only have two things to worry about:
Whether you go to heaven,
or whether you go to hell Now if you go to heaven,
You have nothing to worry about.
And if you go to hell, You’ll be too busy shaking hands with Your friends,
that you won't have time to worry.
So Why Worry?
Question Author meanie. trying to rain on my parade. ;O) actually I've already whittled about that one and looked into it and I've concluded there's beggar all in it. Soooo no worries. Nothing Nothing Nothing. Wahoo!!!
No way cupid, just move it to November.
here is a free slap round the head. trust me, it's on the house : )
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wowie ann86. is that supposed to be a cheery optimistic poem?....not sure i'll be memorising it anytime soon. :O(
i used to worry about death and what would happen to us after death when i was around 7 or 8 yrs this normal?....i've always wondered..
Aah the Mayan calendar Flobadob, which has just been proven to have been totally misread, so we are not all going to die, yay :)
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mike11111 ...ok that's a bit scary.:O) (laughing whilst checking the doors are locked)
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yep still no worries, doors are locked,end of the world worries allayed. and again wahoo!!!!
i get where you're coming from jenarry;-) i would have a load of things to worry and stress over and when the last one was done,i would first have to scan around my brain to see if there was any reason to be worried for something imminent and when there wasnt, ooooh the relief:-) enjoy your peaceful time and sleep well ;-)
I know a couple of people who worry over the silliest of things and they get so worked up over them that it ruins not only their day/evening but others as well.

And as always the case, nothing ever happens that it is so bad to worry about in the first place
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Every evening I turn my worries over to God.

He's going to be up all night anyway!
I am worried about Atom Mick's post.

Surely that's Bobby McFerrin, not Bob Marley?

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I'm a worrier with no worries. Yeay!

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