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Got totally drenched today.....

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Jeza | 19:01 Thu 05th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Went out in bright sunshine. Suddenly it seemed like midnight and the heavens opened. Got home, put the shopping away and went back out to put the car away. Ahhhhhhhhh the garage door was covered in snails. Not half a dozen but hundreds. I hate the slimy things. In fact I'm a bit frightened of them (don't know why) So back inside to decide what to do. I new I couldn't deal with it myself so I thought leave the car out as they would go eventually. Then I noticed the that all the school kids were crossing the top of my cul-de-sac. School was out. I ran to the top and offered the tallest boy I could see a fiver to remove them for me. Job done. He gave me his mobile number in case it happens again. I love that boy.


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I bet he loves you too now, Jeza :)

Into whose garden did he chuck them? I bet he has not taken them too far away - hoping they will return. Fivers are there to be earned :)
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I lost the K in knew sorry.

Hi ttfn or can I call you Ena. He used a broom, swept them off and then shovelled them into a bag. He said he was going to put them in the dustbin, not mine I hasten to add. That made me feel bad.
Ena will do fine :)

Well at least he came to your rescue, good boy.

I once called to collect a friend for an evening out. It had been persistently raining and her front garden paths were covered in snails. Whilst I waited for her to answer the door bell I amused myself doing a Riverdance routine to flatten as many of them as I could :) I didn't realise she liked snails so much ... whoops. I just pretended I hadn't seen them ;)
My children collect snails and take them to their snail farm just up the road in their den.

None of them are big enough to dab with garlic butter though
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Yuk Yuk Yuk.I feel sick now.

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Got totally drenched today.....

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