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Unethical mug collection

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nellypope | 12:50 Thu 12th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
My husband brought home one of his company's mugs the other day. It was particularly small (perhaps promoting shorter tea breaks?). But it got me thinking, I would like to build an unethical mug collection, with official branded mugs from the likes of; CSA, Haliburton, Barclays Bank, various bailiff companies, but I need a few more suggestions before I can hold a decent coffee morning ;-)

CSA may be tricky, perhaps a collectors item now.


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British Airways luggage handlers.
and throw a couple of Catholic Church chalices in.

Sorry that is not unethical, but its immoral.
The Tony Blair Appreciation Society. They've got loads of mugs.

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Unethical mug collection

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