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firewatch | 16:41 Thu 02nd Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
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Lucky my spaniel is going shes bitten my daughter three times, luckily no broken skin just teeth marks :( I cant have her here if i cant trust her!


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chaptazbru-sounds as if she should be rehomed with older kids' i dont think firewatch will give her daughter away,ha ha.
Firewatch!!!!! Behave now. :-)
Lol of course not gness..... I do feel sorry for the dog though, looks like it's another home for her. Let's hope it's the right one this time. fire has obviously done her best.
And the Landy, fire? x
I meant the dog slinky (obviously) !
The facts about mutts are these:

Spaniels are happy, friendly, yet can be excitable little dogs. Like many others, if two dogs for example are 'play fighting', there will be loads of barking, snarling and playful nipping at one another without full blown biting.

Compare that then to a dog and a child: the dog will still think that it's okay to nip, bark and be boisterous. It is never a good idea to let any child play with a dog for those reasons.

Dogs deserve respect if they are taken into a family - and all children need to be taught what is and isn't acceptable. The dog cannot actually speak or have an opinion, therefore adults need to make sure that the dog not only knows its place in your pack, but children have to realise what they can and can't do.

It is all too easy to blame a dog when it's only following its instincts. Either respect it or find it a home which will - it is in your interests, your children's, and the dog's to be totally responsible at all times and not to expect your dog to 'know'.

If you truly feel that you cannot trust the dog, then find a good home for it or hand it in to an animal shelter. But before you do, think very hard about the wisdom of having dogs whilst your children are small.
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Hmmm landy, shes working at the mo so no. Im trying to find somewhere which will take her as shes done whats shes done
Mmm Can't be to careful with dogs and children,why did the other family get rid of her ?
You could be teaching a grandmother to suck eggs here, eye. As well as answering an unasked question.
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both adults work full time,have emailed to see if shes done it before and they have said no :(
Poor dog shouldn't have gone to an empty home and been alone all day, have said before inconsiderate dog owners make good dogs bad!
Doubt very much if they would admit that she had, firewatch.
did you sort out your vibration problem?, I replied on your thread.
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Hubby been at work cazz but hes off tomorrow so going to check her over as hes meant to be helping on a friends farm on saturday so needs the landy in good order.
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that, firewatch, but you will have to put your daughter first here. If this keeps up you will have to give the dog to a rescue centre and tell them she (the dog, not your daughter) is to go to a home with NO children in it. They can never put down a healthy dog and someone (childless) is bound to want here.

I did not think that domestic dogs bit people very often. Has anyone else had a bad experience of Man's best friend?
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shes such a sweet natured dog normally! shes curled up next to me on the sofa and shes looking oh so guilty :(
I grew up in a large family and we always had dogs, however one of the dogs absolutely hated me, I only had to walk into the room, no problems with any of the others though, I was about twelve at the time and the second eldest of six, I never did anything to antagonise it.
From everything you've said, your dog has done nothing wrong. If she's made excitable - by anyone or anything - she will instinctively react, and if that means 'play fighting', then that's what she will do, not out of malice, but because she doesn't know any better.

She doesn't understand human conversations - so she should never be taken for granted, nor left unsupervised with small children. A child can be taught by word of mouth about how far s/he can go where dogs are concerned - the dog does not have the same advantage.
eyethenkyew, what a shame you couldn't have the dog as you claim to be such an expert!

firewatch - Sorry to hear you've got to get rid of your dog but there are only so many chances you can take. Heaven forbid if Lucky really hurt your daughter, you'd then be criticised for not getting rid of her sooner. What an awful situation to be in but children come 1st.

Does make you wonder why the previous owner didn't want her anymore!
sorry to hear this,all best wishes

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