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update on last night

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firewatch | 12:59 Fri 03rd Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Lucky has gone, took her to the council kennels this morning. Shesbeing acessed by a met dog handler and hopefully she will heading to london to become a police dog. They promissed she wouldnt be put down as she still young and trainable.


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Very good firewatch ( you know what I mean ).
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thanks tony x
That sounds like a good outcome for all.
That's good news, it's for the best all round fire x
If she gets accepted it will a good career move for her. At least you will know that she will be well cared for.

My last dog was a rescue dog and he was big and mean - not at all trustworthy with anyone bar me. We had 9 good years together.
Thats brilliant firewatch well done for looking after her till you parted ways!!!

Chin up have done well xx
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My husbands more upset than me and said he could have done more training with her, but i pointed out hes at work, the girls at kennels fell in love with her straight away. She had to be put in the baby kennels as she so nervous and dinky
You know you did the right thing. Let's hope she'll find a lovely new home. x
Dog's are never happier than when they're working. I'm sure she will enjoy her new life.
Poor things. She's obviously very confused. I hope things work out well for her.
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the house is feelin slightly empty with out her here, but i know what we did was right. She didnt understand, but went peacefully enough, its hitting me now shes gone :'(
I must have missed this, what happened firewatch??
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Our spaniel lucky bit the toddler yesterday so surrendered her today as i couldnt trust her round mi any more.

We were making such headway with her and her behaviour issues.
you'll get over it, firewatch -- as will the rest of your family.

you can take comfort in the knowledge that she will be very happy and well cared for in her new life .. and that you did the right thing.

very well done.
awww thats a shame, but you've done the right thing. Is toddler ok??
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Bruised hand and a mark on her face but apart from that she seems ok I wont take a rescue again now stick with the fat lump and thats it.
Aw she had to go firewatch and good luck to her and to your family.
Sad though it seems you have made a good decision for all of you x

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