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What was the last thing...

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NoMercy | 22:21 Sun 05th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
...that made you gasp...???


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//Why hasn't it made the National News, Pusskin? //

The story about the young 12 yr old girl who is missing has just been announced on BBC News NoM, but I thought it said one day missing (but could have been wrong)
We hope and pray she will be found to be safe very soon.
Right NoM,

if ayg will lend me her tiara for a moment, picture this.....
Ann86, you may be right there, but it seems days ago that I heard it!
I thought it was 2 nights missing now. How sad, hope she is safe.
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Goodnight guys. I think I am being beckoned... X
You saw 'lightening' in your town, jenna? That is a very odd type of weather as in our town we normally get 'lightning' when there are thunderstorms. We are all like big kids when it comes to that too.


The Spelling Police.
Yes you are right pusskin, she left her grandmothers house midday Friday - how awful if anything bad has happened.
I hope she is found safe and well
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But before I go... Just to recap...

Dot last gasped when Jacko croked it...

Humber wants to borrow a tiara...

And someone inserted a finger up Chuck's ****

Oh well, good night y'all x x x
Good night NoM
Sleep well Nomercy. x

Ann86. I was right! its the 3rd night now and she hasnt been found. GASP.
Night NM....

If it makes any difference... I didn't complain, I kinda thought considering where I've got stuff inserted at the time I'd go with the flow.
Chuck still isn`t finished NoM. :-) But sleep well. xxx
wine over keyboard moment
LOL... Nah,,, I'm done :) night all :)
Just watched the news. The twelve year old girl still hasn't been found and police are searching local ground.
He parents must be frantic.
I pray she is found safe.
Really really hope so....i never watch or read much
News but after seeing here i looked on BBC website. Poor family- lets home she gets home safe xx

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