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Buying online from a supermarket have you had any problems ?

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LochNessMonster | 09:40 Mon 06th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Was thinking of trying it, have you folk ever tried it, was there any problems or was it a prompt and great service. And who did you get your food from.

Thanks to all who help me.

Nessie :)


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Tesco, and no, never any problems and its usually every couple of months too.

I work in a store and the thought of plodding round one on my days off leaves me cold, hence why I get it delivered.
09:53 Mon 06th Aug 2012
Ah I get you. I didn't realise it worked that way. I just always choose the cheapest delivery slot not thinking it has to do with what's in my basket....duh! lol
i never realised that either, hmmmmm not happy.

how much would a round trip in a taxi cost you nessie? or could you walk there and get a taxi back?

saw the photos of you in the papers this weekend...
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Return Taxi about £10, got no frecking feet how can I walk there. :(

Yes, I'm every photogenic just like Katie Price without the plastic t@@'s !

Nessie x
well the delviery charge is cheaper than the taxi then you noob :-)
The minimum order amount at Asda in Brighton, East Sussex, is £25. Tesco, Brighton, have no minimum order amount.
This is a true story.
I once shopped on line with Tesco and one of the items I ordered was a Sure deodorant. They didn't have any so they sent me a substitute - a turnip.
I kid you not. I still have the receipt to show disbelieving friends
a question mrs overall.........

did the turnip do as good a job?
I didn't use would have made me smell...turnipey
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Was that no a turnip of the book Mrs O

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Buying online from a supermarket have you had any problems ?

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