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Now the mother is missing??

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Smowball | 13:41 Fri 10th Aug 2012 | News
35 Answers
Schoolgirl Tia Sharpe who vanished In New Addington a week ago and hasn't been found yet - just been reported that her mother is now missing and nobody knows where she it. Curiouser and curiouser........


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I do hope this case ends the same way as the Shannon Matthews case as in Tia is found unharmed. (Or as unharmed as you could be after what she went through.)

All very strange, too easy to speculate. Just hope the girl is found soon.
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Agree totally. Just the longer these kids are missing then the worse things look generally...
Poor girl, Ive seen the state of her so called grand parents and mother on TV on top of being given a stupid name like Tia, the poor girl hasn't got a chance.
Tut tut Dave...

Don't be so judgemental.
jeremy kyle where art thou ...
i quite like Tia... rhymes with maria

I hope she's ok wherever she is. and maybe just maybe the mother is upset and is somewhere where the press can't get at her

* apologies, can i add i hope she is found alive and well!
That's what I was thinking, Fluff.

The last thing you'd want if your child was missing is the press in your face.
its a hard one, you want the press for the coverage but at the same time the over whelming intrusion and speculation into how you live your life must be awful
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I can't even begin to imagine the pain of having a missing child.Not knowing is the worst thing.
Sounds like an episode of 'Shameless' like the Shannon Matthews saga.
I hope she is found safe and well.

My judgmental side came out this morning (to my shame) when I read that gran is 46.
There is some mystery surrounding all this. I only hope that Tia is found safe and well.
Quite right to be judgemental dave50.

Is gran's partner now with missing mother, as body of Tia found. Great shame, we were all hoping for better news.

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