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friedgreentomato | 14:05 Tue 28th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Remove the large flower decals one sees on cars?

I am thinking about decorating Zeb with flowers and bees but was wondering if I did not like if are they easy to remove?

Cheers all


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my man who can at the other office has just removed all the branding on one of our cars using a heat gun. he says it was easy and didn't take long
They are just stickers. Should be easy to remove.

The problem is when they have been on for a period of time and the paint fades.
They are easy enough to remove, but if they've been on for some time they normally leave a mark from where the paint will have faded everywhere else but not under them.
Snap :)
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Lol Ummmm given how old Zeb is a period of time is a bonus!!
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Cheers Chuck

I will know in a matter of weeks if I like them or not!! Don't think the paint will fade in that time!
How do you know Zeb will like flowers and bees? She might not be a flowers and bees type of gal!

If I put flowers and bees on my car, he would refuse to start! (Actually, given that he's been stuck in the garage and not started for 6 months he may refuse to start anyway).
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Lol Barmaid I did think about paw prints but given that Zeb is navy blue you would not see the black pawprints!!!

Zeb is a complicated hippy chick that will love the flowers and bees its if i like them that might be the problem!!!
plonk them on with a bit of blue tac or summat similar to see if you and Zeb agree on the deisred effect. If neither of you like it, just whisk it off. No harm done. :-D
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Brill idea Alba - we do want to keep Zeb happy after all!

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