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The kids are back at school today

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mrs_overall | 12:06 Mon 03rd Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I am relishing the peace and quiet and NOT missing the frequent requests of "Mum, can I have a fiver?"


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I know a girl who goes to a private school - she is driven the 200 metres to the gates!
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Smow, I've heard it all now. Ridiculous!
Mine walk too. It is only a mile with several busy main roads....

Yeah like there are any busy roads in Whitby.............
Mines back at playschool tomorrow and i cant bloomin wait, neither can the dog!!Let the good sleeping start again.
Seriously, i couldn't believe it!
I use to walk the mile and a bit each way to school every day unless off etc, but some kids where driven from there houses three or four doors down!
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Oi Craft!

Obviously our main roads are not exactly the A64, but we do have cars....occasionally
What I can't understand is when the mums come to pick their kids up quite a few are carrying these small scooters. Can't kids walk anywhere now a days. Ours here in Leics went back last Thursday.
During the school run several of our local roads become virtually 'One Way'. Woe betide any hapless drives attempting to go against the flow.
My son isn't back at school until Thursday. He isn't any trouble and never asks for stuff though so I don't mind.
Sorry I didn't spot this yesterday - I was out in the X5 collecting little Mezzanine and Jocasta from St Eulalias and taking them to their Pilates and Pony Club sessions.

Getting Hugo the 100 yards from St Gonads to his CCF parade was a bit of a stretch, but eventually the au pair managed it in the Audi TT
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lol @ Dave!
Mini Boo goes back on Thursday, and ive got to say, surprisingly, im not looking forward to it! I've enjoyed her being home and enjoyed seeing the freedom she's had just being a kid during the fine weather.

Her and a couple of neighbours' kids (all of them 6/7) have been playing out on the back street, whilst being watched over by us mums and its been lovely seeing them- scruffy, dirty, usually bruised and battered from falling off or over something, but having a total blast nonetheless.
Mine have gone back today and the things are going for a week of afternoons, then a week of mornings - just hope I don't show myself up and start crying (feeling v tearful :( ).
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I must be a rotten mother - I couldn't wait to see the back of mine
i love doing the 11 til 8pm shift at work as i miss the school/college/university traffic that grinds to a halt in preston between 7.30 and 9, but this week it is preston giuld and so some roads are closed too, good job it only happens once every..........errr.........preston guild lol

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The kids are back at school today

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