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Go away fro a few days and everything changes.....

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EcclesCake | 13:32 Thu 13th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I've been away on my holidays and have come back to find references to 'badges', have looked at my profile and have discovered that I have 2 badges and have been given best answer on 17 occasions.

I can get my head around the best answer bit, although seriously question I've provided 17 best answers; but what is a badge and how is it awarded?


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Go to your profile and click on the badges tab
Welcome back BTW xx
This'll explain it all, EC.... Welcome back :)

all is explained here, except the bits the Ed doesn't quite understand

I won a badge. It says: Won at 2012-09-12 23:45:58. I don't think I was here then. I'm pretty sure I was tucked up in bed!!
Don't think your badgers will last long Eccles, seems they're being culled.
I'd rather have won a badger!
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Aahh yes....clear as mud!!!

Thanks all :-)

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Go away fro a few days and everything changes.....

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