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slinky.kate | 17:13 Thu 27th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
went swimming this afternoon,it was lovely,but when i got home i discovered i had my top on back to front,sheet' i'll need to go back to specsavers,felt a right diddy


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Never mind slinky, at least you remembered to put it on !
do things like that all the time ,so long undrewear under top clothes
Yep have done that and wondered why it felt uncomfortable
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i could'nt understand why it just did'nt feel right
Was the label annoying you, slinky ?
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aye tony ???
I bet it was itching lol.
As long as you didn't have your cossie on back to front, Kate....{:o(
i wore a shirt the other day that was inside out, you would think someone might have mentioned it.
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well when you wear your clothes wrong people wont say anything thinking you must be a wee bit doolally,and feel sorry for you,eh em10 ?
i don't mind people feeling sorry for me, but not for wearing clothes inside out or the wrong shoes..
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ha ha
Are you sure you had your bikini on the right way round when in the pool, were you getting strange looks?
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i think the swimmers were ok,or wer they staring at my fat figure(ha ha )
Wouldn't have been half as bad if you hadn't been wearing a hoodie. :)

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