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stray cat

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poppysix | 21:25 Sun 07th Oct 2012 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
I have a stray ? cat that appears to have moved in now that the weather is geting colder and it has flees it has been around for about 9 months in the area, it used to have a collar on but I need to do something about its flees, is it safe to give it some frontline flee drops if someone else may have already given it some or what else can I do, i have already another cat which has a flee collar on.


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I wouldn't bother with a flea collar,as they don't do much good. If it's a stray,you should have it checked over by your vet-and get a perscription for something stronger/more effective than Frontline.
Yes if you can pick it up take it to the vet for a check up and de Fleaing .
While you're at the vets get it checked for a chip. If it had a collar it must have had a home somewhere and it's previous owners might like it back or at least to know it's found a new home.
Yes, definitely take it to the vet before doing anything else. And do try to find out if anyone else is feeding him. The tale of Six Dinner Sid was based on a true story: User Recommendation
As others have said, take it to the vet to see if it has an identity chip. I'm afraid your other cat will probably have fleas by now poppy, caught from the stray. You will need to get something like Advocate and Stronghold from your vet. I agree with daffy about Frontline and flea collars. Once the fleas/eggs are in your home, ie on cushions, chairs, sofas, carpets etc you will need something like RIP to get rid of them. If the cat has been given flea treatment by somebody else then it clearly hasn't worked and you will need to have it treated quickly. Bless you for taking it in.
Do you mean flee or flea, or both?

I like to flee from fleas as well!
Bless you for caring, I'm sure the vet will sort it all out for you,if you need to, the PDSA are very good too.Maybe just maybe another family are looking for thir missing moggy, but if flees are rife then the poor thing must have been stray for a while.

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