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pooing at 3am :(

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anneasquith | 11:42 Tue 16th Oct 2012 | Pets
22 Answers
no change in diet, but my dog is now going out for a poo around 2am/3am a few times a week. any advice greatly appreciated. ( because im tired ) :(


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You're welcome anneasquith.

This category is not Chatterbank!!!
11:57 Tue 16th Oct 2012
He doesn't want to '' be let out'' before bedtime he needs to be walked to do a poo & then he'll hopefully settle down all night.

Just wondering what time the dog's last feed is now. My mob of nine get their last feed at midnight, which sounds odd, but the breeder of two of them says she feeds her 14 at 10 pm, so maybe it's not that eccentric.

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pooing at 3am :(

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