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Felt such an idiot.

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Caran | 00:10 Sat 10th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Went to the Post Office to transfer an ISA, had to fill a form in, took it back to the counter, assistant was inputting my details and she said "That's an unusual surname, never come across that one before" It's not unusual really I said, she showed me my form I had entered Surname as my surname! Boy did I feel an idiot, I had no recollection of doing that. Do I need to be worried, anyone else done something stupid like that?


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Barmaid, Freud would say that you meant what you wrote :-)

>>I was applying for a dog licence, "name" said the registrar, "Pip" I replied.
Wearily he looked at me and said "your Name".>>

I phoned the vet last night for an appointment for Frankie this morning. I told her my name. She wanted the 'patient's' name. They actually come into the waiting room and call "Frankie" or whoever.

The 'dying' cat is feeling much better this morning and I have cancelled the appointment. We will go during the week instead.
o yes, caranrog - I quite often go to my work diary to make an appointment, and write "Tuesday" under Tuesday's events.... :-)
It is just a lack of concentration.
I was writing out my shopping list and when i went to read it again a day or so later i had put "hairy dye" instead of "hair dye".
I'm afraid Caron you've suffered a S.M. (Senior moment)
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Felt such an idiot.

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