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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:15 Tue 13th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Tuesday. It's cloudy and mild again. I'll settle for that as I'm out most of the day.

Have a happy day everyone.


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I have cannoli today to go with the coffee.
Oh Anne - are they filled with extra thick cream?
morning all
I cheated and bought them - lemon and pistachio.
Shame on me.
Good morning everyone. Hope you’re all well. We have the most beautiful sky here this morning – a vast sea of all shades of blue and pink and lavender – all ribboned with swirling swathes of the prettiest turquoise. Fabulous!! Wish I had my paints out!

Unfortunately the western side is dull and grey, the ground is wet - but on the upside it's not at all cold.
Want to get my new spectaculars yesterday - the prices!!
Toss up between sensible and push the boat out, so I pushed the boat out. How much do you bet I'll lose them?
No shame in buying in, Anne, just enjoy.
Naomi, you lucky thing - still dark and very windy but at least the drizzle seems to have stopped now.
Got to dash off now - got loads to do before I finish at 4 so until Monday.......

Have a good day y'all, and, if you have one, may your god go with you
Sorry, Yorkie
I meant to reply to you, not alba, about cannoli.
Morning all - seems to be mild again here in the south. Rained all day yesterday so more of the same in store I suppose. Have a good day xx
Mornin' WB...morning all...nice looking morning in Barnsley this day, after the wet one yesterday....all systems geared to mrs comm who is just a bit unwell...hopefully nothing serious but hospital and doctors visits seem to be the norm just lateley..

keep smiling all and have a nice one...
Morning all calm and dry here in Leics and nice colourful sky earlier . Don't think that's a good sign. But at least it is not cold. .Have a nice day everyone.
good morning to all - grey and damp, what's unusual.....

Oh what silliness on here last night, has it spilled over to this morning? I haven't dared look yet - just need that first coffee. So let's get the day kicked off.
morning all, back from Eastbourne, weather good all weekend then it rained all the way home.How sad to see even more small shops closed down than last to open the suitcases and tackle the washing ..... at least we did not came home to a pile of bills on the mat.
Morning all, not a bad day here in the S/E, just got back from the beach with the hounds, not a soul in sight, must be fair weather dogwalkers 'round here.
Have a good day all.
A bit late but good morning everybody.
Good morning

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Good morning early birds!

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