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Clattenburg case dropped

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bibblebub | 20:08 Tue 13th Nov 2012 | Football
7 Answers

[i]In a statement, Scotland Yard, which launched an investigation after the match on October 28, said: "Inquiries were made and no victims have come forward.

"The matter will remain as a recorded incident.

"Without a victim and/or any evidence that any offence has been committed, the matter cannot currently be investigated.[i]

So, did no Chelsea players came forward as witnesses? What should happen to the individuals or the club involved as a result of this (unsorprising) outcome?


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Trebles all round ... but possibly not for Chelski ...
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I frequently unsorp but meant 'unsurprisingly' in this case
Just listening on Sky to Peter Herbert, Chair of Society for Black Lawyers.
He is somewhat disappointed at the decision made by the Met yet one assumes that Chelsea FC have failed to provide sufficient evidence via an injured party/witnesses to warrant any charges being brought. One would think that the 3 players who allegedly heard racist comments would be prepared to make statements and repeat them in a court of law?
Or are they now holding a different view?

It wouldn't be a case of someone on the pitch using the race card as a result of not getting the desired outcome from the ref, would it? If reports are correct, Clattenburg submitted a report that a Chelsea player threatened to 'break his legs' after the match. If it turns out that the player in question is black, will the FA press charges of their won? Or will it be quietly dropped?

Just asking.
The Chair of Society for Black Lawyers is just maximising publicity for himself and his previously little known organisation; without evidence the police have no option but to move on.
Isn't a Black Lawyers society racist?
Is there a White one?..Somebody ask the Chairman that.
A Portuguese chap thought he heard a Ref with a Geordie accent call a Norwegian Nigerian a monkey.
It'll be a better world when we just stop talking to each other ..Better safe than sorry.
Herbert was well named.
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And now the FA has also cleared him.

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Clattenburg case dropped

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