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Bt Contact Email Or Phone Number Help!

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tenrec | 18:06 Fri 14th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Hi folks, does anyone know how I can speak to a real person at BT? I have tried the contact us buttons with no result and I have called the 0800 numbers, but there are no real people with the answers only recorded voices with answers I don't wish to hear!


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Should I have put this in another section?
sorry, should have explained - if you tick on one of those boxes then keep ticking, it eventually gives you a number like this one
I just ring 150 and press butons until someone real answers.............
Answers you don't wish to hear? If those are the answers to your query then why would you expect different?
Question Author
Thank you all very much. I can't believe how bad BT are at dealing with customer care.I am now waiting for a ring back from them. I left BT some years ago, however I am doing this for my elderly uncle, who has been very stressed by moving house and trying to get in touch with BT.
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daffy they are not the answers to my query, the answers to questions I haven't asked! Like, how much my last bill was, when I have the bill in front of me!
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Sorry but BT have just made me fuming.
It's not been the same since I left tenrec :-)
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Well it's been the same since I left them. That is why I left them 'cos they were rubbish!!
Most call centres are the same these days, if you get to talk to a human being they usually have a very hard to understand accent.

I recently got into phone rows with Love Film after one of their operatives refused to cancel my service, I thought i'd finally managed to cancel only to find I got charged again the following month. It turned out he had 'misunderstood' my instructions and thought I wanted to be put on a lower cost package!
I must admit tenrec I have no trouble with them myself (apart from when I moved house). I manage my account on-line, and the odd time I've had broadband problems a nice man in India has always sorted it out.
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Just got through and spoke to an american lady. I told her how cross I was with BT! I think I have got a result but will have to wait and see. She is going to send a duplcate bill (which would normally cost over £4 per page) for free.

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Bt Contact Email Or Phone Number Help!

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