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Going To Sit In The Conservatory And See If I Can See The Gemenid Meteor Shower..

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mrsmaveric | 00:41 Sat 15th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
the sky is lovely and clear...


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Very cloudy here, been raining all day. so won't be able to see it. Must be quite something though.
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hi starbuckzone it was too cloudy here last night its been bucketing it down all day but its really clear now..its supposed to start at around midnight but i guess they come when they want to ...stokemaveric is in bed he says im mad but hey
It may be something you will never get an opportunity of seeing again. Stay with it mrsmaveric.
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ive seen 3 up to date starbuckzone but im getting a little tired im afraid might give it another half hour...
the Geminids will be back same time next year, Starbuck - are you suggesting mrsmaveric won't?
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lol jno i sincerely hope i will be around to see them next year....

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Going To Sit In The Conservatory And See If I Can See The Gemenid Meteor Shower..

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