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Dying Clothes

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Eve | 19:56 Sat 29th Dec 2012 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
I asked a while back about dying clothes.

I have found some dyes I can use in the washing machine in Wilkos and have two tops in particular I am looking at dying.

One is a dusky pink viscose with polyester trims and lacy bits, Victorian style round the top. It's got a silky feel to it and this is the one I'm most unsure of.

The other is cream, half cotton and half nylon (a stretchy lacy style top).

I have another one I need to find but would say it's probably soft cottony - will try and root it out to have a look at the label. It's white but more of a cream white than a bright white. It also has some lacy bits on.

Thought I'd get opinions as to how well they may dye black before I have a go.

Thanks for any help :)



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Okay, this isn't what you want to hear but....
Dying is iffy, dying anything black is iffy,dying synthetic fabric is iffy, dying a garment made from mixed kinds of fabric is iffy.
If you don't care if it all goes wrong then give it a shot, otherwise don't bother. The cleanup from dying is a pain, especially if you use the washing machine. The dyed garment may not be fast and dye may come off on your skin or other clothing. Sod's law says that this rubbed off dye will be just about impossible to remove!
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Thanks woolgang, not at all, it's just what I need to hear before I have a dye related disaster :)

From looking on the back of the packet in the shop it looked like synthetic fabrics might be tricky and with them having lacy bits and such on I wasn't convinced it was a good idea though I thought other people might have more experience of having dyed this kind of thing (or knowing not to :)).
If you're going to do it, I'd hand dye - dyeing by machine is fraught with problems, IMO. I suspect your synthetic bits and trims will dye to different depths.
Read the title and thought ' her clothes are dying??' lol.
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Thanks boxtops.

Haha snow, they are far from that as they just don't get worn, I just don't know why I get lighter clothes given that the vast majority of my wardrobe is black :)

They are lovely tops though so a shame not to wear them.

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