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What A Waste Of Time ...

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sunny-dave | 19:49 Tue 29th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
30 minutes on hold an still waiting - thank you City Link - not only are you the most useless delivery company in the UK (and that's a good trick when you are competing with ParcelFarce) but you have a phone system to match ...

...Just waiting to see which of your stocklist of lies you are going to deploy this time ... I was in all day, but expect it will be the 'Out Left Card' as usual (which is actually code for "Our useless arse of a driver couldn't be, err, 'bothered' to drive out to your address") ...



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Eventually got through to the national call centre - who can tell me no more than is already on the internet, because the local depot isn't answering the phone, even to calls from their own internal system ...

... and worst of all I'm not even allowed to make a complaint - because their contract is with the sender not the recipient ... neat :+(
Poor you, that's not the language you used on FB. ;0)

Very frustrating when deliveries don't come after you've waited in all day, go and get yourself a glass of wine.
Out of order aren't they.
Just dont care do they1
meant to put "!" not 1
Only used City link twice. Second time they gave me a one hour time slot and kept to it!
Sitting on your step with the rifle must have helped, Daisy.........

Calm nope not going there. ;-)
keep calm dear or you will end up like Michael Winner !
Gness, what a wonderful image! Did complain loudly and long to the person in charge of employing them, having been let down the first time.
Would take a lot to beat DHL or D,rop it H,ide it and L,oose it as they are more commonly known.
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Update - the parcel is now tracked as 'Back in Depot' with no explanation of what it has been doing on its day out in Warwickshire ...

... but because it has now been 'Out for Delivery' (yea right) twice, I now have no alternative but to drive into Coventry to a ghastly industrial park - where I can collect my parcel from a beetle-browed, knuckle-dragging troll who will retrieve it eventually from the gang of bored zit-fest yoofs who will have been playing football with it for several hours.

Once I actually have it locked in my car (I will be astonishingly polite until then) I am going to gently and calmly work my way up the food-chain until I get to speak to something approximating to a manager ... then I am really going to lose my temper in the most spectacular way unless I get some serious grovelling and offers of compensation for my wasted time/expense ...
Chill Dave, it won't be long before every High St has a full range of gimp masks and you won't have to rely on mail order.
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Wow....I didn't so much read that post Dave, as feel it....calm...calm.
But I wouldn't mind coming to watch. ;-)
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Wednesday, 30th January, 2013

"Reports are coming into the BBC of an earthquake, magnitude 5.9, in the Coventry area, accompanied by some hot volcanic activity."

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