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Over Fishing

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Matheous-2 | 22:48 Thu 14th Feb 2013 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
In Scotland when we go into a local Fish & Chip shop and ask for a single fish- they give TWO fish! Is that the same in England, Wales & Ireland?
Everyone is concerned about fish stocks....So why I am I not served with ONE fish?- If I wanted two- I would ask! I personally would not mind paying the same price for a solitary fish,although some would say that's 100% increase!
I feel that it might help cut the demand by asking for one and so help fish stocks.....What does AB think?


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Having not been to Scotland for years (or bought fish & chips while there) this is news to me. On the rare occassion I get myself a fish lot it contains just the one fish. Maybe stocks are so low up there they have to put in a second to make up the weight ?
Never encountered that in London or East Anglia. What I do find is that the definition of "large", as in "large cod", has become somewhat flexible. In the main chippy in Newmarket, it's a piece that extends over the edge of the plate. In the one in a nearby village, part of a chain of chip shops, it is now what would be called 'medium', at best, since it got taken over by the chain. "Small" is not a term they use, preferring to settle for just 'cod', but it appears to be a piece which has to be searched for under the chips. "Large" in "large chips", however, is not affected by this shrinkage.
That's not "a fish" Matheous-2, it's piece(s) of fish and it's actually a secret campaign by his immensity, the First Minister Salmond to rid us of the tag of meanness.
You'll have had your tea? :P
At Loch Tay last week, OH ordered haddock, chips and peas, plate arrived with 3 fish but no peas. He requested peas, plate came back with peas and only 2 portions of fish. He is still distresed where his other haddock fillet went.
Fred, that small portion, is it the piece of cod that passes all understanding?
Boom! Boom! Sandy. The Reverend Sidney Smith lives !
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Douglas- you are correct.....I think they slice the fish in half! -thereby rendering this post in vain :(
Here in the south-East, I wouldnt say the so-called "large fish" is small but it usually involves searching for it on your plate!
Only ever get one round our way, it's big enough though
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