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A Confession

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mrs_overall | 19:26 Tue 26th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Many moons ago two small girls decided they wanted to bake potatoes over an open fire. They each stole a potato from their respective homes and the taller one of the two girls stole a box of her dad's matches. They gathered kindling but as it was a windy day they could not light the fire on the waste ground. They found a more sheltered spot and the taller (and more attractive) girl lit the fire. It was soon blazing away merrily. Unfortunately the sheltered spot they had chosen was at the back of a wooden garage, which was also soon merrily blazing away. The two girls naturally legged it.
The local paper reported the incident as a deliberate arson attack and the garage and car inside were completely destroyed.
No suspects were ever identified. Phew.


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left the spuds??? That's criminal that is!
19:29 Tue 26th Feb 2013
Arrrrgh!!! Good cop...bad cop....please let me be bad cop!!!!! x
they need someone to practice on, tony....

time in the West Birmingham Sandwell A&E to book, I would suggest.
Walsall Manor Hospital DTC, they keep a bed on standby for me lol.
Hey gness no axes or flame throwers ok.
Fine Tony..I can live with that.

Hey Mrso....Tony says the cattle prod is okay!
I nearly set fire to a hotel once in Greece .
We went to bed letting a candle burn ,one of those anti mossie things in a clay pot which exploded .Next thing we knew the curtains were alight .
Good job we had loads of bottled water in the room which we frantically chucked everywhere .
Needless to say it was a costly holiday after we reimbursed the owner for the damage to her curtains and bedside table .
Note to self .....never ever drink Ouzo again :)
Oh gawd or any Marigolds and Mackerel.
Mine was in Ireland but we avoided having to pay damages.

Checked into the Assolas Manor near Kanturk, a lovely country house, on our wedding room. The bathroom came with a humengous jacuzzi, so one late afternoon we turned it on, a little foam in as well and - well we forgot about it in favour of a good old-fashioned-bonk.

A good thirty minutes later, came back in and water everywhere, never mind the foam that was half-way up the wall....the owners were most understanding, surprisingly so.
LOL, doesn't the time fly when your enjoying your self DTC.
Wonder if you could apply your skills to the SBC council offices Mrs O? Happy to keep lookout for you.
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DT - you fibber!

30 minutes - rofl!

Seadogg - I may have a criminal past but I am not corrupt!

Shaney - the drink of satan is ouzo
Many years ago a local lad who had a bit or a rep as a bad boy broke into a track layers cabin at the side of the local freight line and thought it would be fun to put five boxes of warning bangers on the track to see what happened when the late night fish train came by. The effect was brilliant the bangers went off like a machine gun and the sparks thrown out by a Brittania class loco and about 200 tons of vans and cargo going from 100mph to zero in half a mile was fantastic, at least that was what I was told as I was miles away when it happened, I mean in those days I could run really fast. Ooops I meant to say I was tucked up in bed like all good boys were.

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