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What animal made the hole?

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emmagreeny | 14:12 Tue 05th Aug 2003 | Animals & Nature
21 Answers
I was just doing some weeding in a remote part of the garden and noticed a big hole has been dug under some conifer trees(about 2ft wide and very deep).Who has dicided to take up residence?


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I'm just impressed that you have such a big garden. If a two foot hole appeared in my garden I'd fall in it! Last year one of my dogs kept opening upstairs doors and rolling in my bed while I was out. I could never get in the house quick enough to catch the culprit (there is a point to this story) so I borrowed an cam corder and set it on automatic record on motion detection. Caught the culprit in the act on a priceless piece of film. Might work for your hole (just put the camera in a box with a plastic bag over it (with a hole obviously)) Happy hunting.

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What animal made the hole?

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