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Let's Just Be Friends

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EvianBaby | 15:25 Mon 04th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I thought it was universally accepted that the above phrase is the polite way of saying 'I have no desire to ever speak to you again'.

After two dates with one guy last week and a request for a third on Saturday I decided he wasn't my cup of tea, so I said let's just be friends.

Cue a barrage of texts along the lines of 'did I do something wrong?' 'is there someone else?' 'I should have paid you more attention shouldn't I'. It was two dates. TWO!

eeugghh, I always attract the weirdos.

I'm telling you this partly because I'm bored and procrastinating and partly because if I disappear off the face of the earth you'll know who to tell the police to suspect.

Think I might spend the evening making up some home made pepper spray and training the cat for personal protection.


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I have a weird new admirer on FB.............he has the photo of a white, middle-aged businessman, and types like a young Nigerian.
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Maybe you should ask if there's any help he needs, like if he happens to have any rich relatives who need an account to hold their money in.
Lol craft - am just imagining the typings of a young nigerian...
i'll lend you murph for a small fee of course.....

mind you, you run the risk of alienating everyone you know and any potential decent men but the offers there :-)
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"mind you, you run the risk of alienating everyone you know"

I'll take him!!!
Just spray the cat with the homemade pepper spray and throw it on your admirer ............/.......... nutter.
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Good idea, that might work on my *** neighbours too.

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