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Landline Or Mobile ?

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TheOtherHalf | 12:45 Fri 08th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Most of my friends and my son and his friends do not have landlines anymore. We do as we dont use our mobile much, but how many Abers have still have a landline


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Have one mainly for broadband and so cold callers can annoy me. Lol
Couldn't live without a land line. The sound quality is vastly superior to a mobile.
The only reason I have a landline is for the internet and to talk to Charles in Mumbai
Only got landline as part of my cable package.
I wouldn't be without our land line or our mobiles, we rarely use the land line apart from the broad band connection but we still like to know it is up and working.
Contract BT & wifi at home. PAYG & wifi mobile for internet/text on sim. I rarely phone out from home but do skype.

BT greedily raid my bank :(

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Landline Or Mobile ?

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