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Twatty Man

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Nottm_George | 22:45 Fri 05th Apr 2013 | TV
27 Answers
The wife is watching Chatty Man why I don't know and I wonder how desperate are the guest to appear on tv as Alan Carr is one of the most annoying people on tv, or is it my age as I don't see any entertainment value in these kind of programs.


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The OP title says it all!
TV in Britain has gone steadily down market for many years now, so I am not at all surprised that programs like this are so popular. Even the uneducated need to be entertained you know !
Last night's Alan Carr show must have been the pits. It was simply awful. Was there anybody on the show that had any talent. Producers who put variety shows on years ago could not believe that crap like this could possibly be shown
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I know I started this about Alan Carr but I agree with some of the other views the new so called chat show host are not worth thinking about and as for Keith Lemon just point the gun and kill me now.
To be avoided at all costs
Apologise for being born without a sense of humour.
I watch it sometimes, I like him but I find that his comedy skit at the start of the show is extremely weak, not sure if it is written for him or by him. His celeb interviews are okay, he can be quite cheeky to the celebs which is funny.
I also watch Celebrity Juice and love it, because it is so shocking! Sometimes it can be a bit hit and miss, but I find more hits than misses. For me, the best episodes of Celebrity Juice were the ones with Ant and Dec and the other with Jason Donovan in it. Both were right on the edge of acceptable comedy and just drew back from being obscene and as a result were hilarious.
I watched Graham Norton over the weekend and thought that his show was better overall than Chatty Man.
Not a fan of his, but he has some good guests from time to time.

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