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Paypal Mistake - Any Suggestions?

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mrs_overall | 07:23 Wed 17th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
A friend who visited yesterday was telling me she bought something from the internet and the method of payment was Paypal. She had had a glass of wine or several and instead of sending the payment to jane_doe@email she sent it to doe_jane@email. She has repeatedly emailed the person she mistakenly sent the money to and had no response. Paypal say there is nothing they can do.
Any suggestions please?


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just a thought but hoe on earth did she even manage to send money to an incorrect PP address if she paid for goods she thought she was buying?

If she used the goods tab and no the gift tab, then simply open an INR dispute!
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Update: I gave her a ring with your suggestions.
She used the "send money" tab and the transaction was marked as completed rather than pending almost immediately
Oh boy somebody's got free dosh.
So much for Paypal Infallibility, lol

(has anyone already done that one?)
In a way Mrs O - she can count herself lucky it was only £60 and not £600.
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I did a Google on the subject out of interest and there are several forums devoted entirely to identical questions to this one - people who simply made a mistake entering the wrong email address and losing their money
mrs o -this happened to me -i sent my SIL some money by PP to buy an item in the USA and mail it to me - I forgot to put an underscore or something and it went to another account -i emailed that account and had no reply - PP would do nothing - luckily the recipient did not claim the payment and it was returned to my account after 30 days -it was for £120
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mags - I keep leaving messages all over for you. Please see the FAO Magsmay post from 19.11 yesterday
Important lesson to learn here, people - always check after yourselves before sending off anything.
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I agree society.
It will make me triple check before I send any money in the future
mrs o , then get her to send a request cash for the same amount and include a note that it was sent by mistake.That way there will at lest be an official paypal record of the transaction. The recipient will have to justify to paypal why the cash has not been returned.
I'd say telling PP that some random person has requested money from them by mistake would do it

Honestly, when people using payments of any kind, they really should know what they are doing

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