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How Do You Pronounce Poufee?

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bednobs | 20:28 Mon 22nd Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
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In Scotland we say poo-fay (Dundee anyway)
oop here we say puffy as in buffy
Poofy (said as that horrible word for gay men)
poo f although I always get laughed at for prouncing it that way
That's poofta!
Foot stool, always get this wrong .
Foot stool

Oh you mean pouffe, well as it's French word it's should be pronounced poof
Pooff although the local pronunciation is poo-fay.
poof, to rhyme with hoof.
pooff. Or,if you must, "shirt-lifter".
as my little island is full of the human kind, we have to be very careful when we say it!!

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