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Is It Raining Where You Are.

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giveup | 16:36 Sun 28th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
They said it would rain here yesterday so I treated the lawn with Evergreen. I did water it in but it needs a good soak. I don't normally hope for rain,but could really do with a good shower. How selfish is that.


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What's the weather like though desktop?
hello giveup

not raining here in cambridgeshire, although it is overcast
Yes, the wet stuff, really fine and misty, but we are right by the sea. X
N/Kent coast, we have brill. sunshine, luvin' it.
nice and sunny in east essex
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Dull and overcast here in the West Mids at the moment, I think it will probably rain though.
Forgot to say where I was, NW coast, little village few miles outside Caernarfon
It's been pretty dry here in Fife apart the half hour we were at the cemetery :|
where are you, giveup?
Question Author
East Devon,grey,overcast and cold but dry.
I'll go to the hairdresser and then come and stand in your garden. Rain guaranteed.
hang out your laundry, and wash your car, giveup

it is bound to rain then
Twickenham - grey and not very warm, dry though (so far).

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