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David Beckham Retired ....

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Ann | 00:41 Fri 17th May 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Amazed I can't see any other posts which say he has announced his retirement this afternoon. He has done so much for football over the years and is a lovely family man. Hope it doesn't keep us from seeing him on TV. What a hunk ...... he gets better looker as he gets older! ;)


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The post was in Sport Ann....

Something tells me we'll see more of him on TV not less. I doubt he has time to fit the football into his life anymore and is probably hanging up his boots in favour of more media and promotion work.
Yep, used to dislike him but i've got to admit - the boy done good.
Im sure we will see more of him in the future, not less.
i think he is a good role model in a somewhat tainted sport. Football needs more like him, let's hope he has a role to play in the game, be it managerial or with the footballing body.
Fergie gone, and now Becks. The old order changeth, yielding place to new...
Anyone think he'll be knighted ? It would be popular, he's been a lot more use to the country than many a knight, and we need another retired footballer knighted. Who was the last? Trevor Brooking ?
I agree, he deserves a K. But think of the drawbacks. Posh would become 'Lady Posh' and she's snooty enough already by all accounts.
There's certainly been a big change in the public image of Mr Beckham over the years. Credit, I'm sure is due to PR gurus, stylists etc but the man himself has taken all the advice available and morphed into a likeable human being.
i don't think she is snooty, misunderstood perhaps, besides which she is a better role model than some on the music scene, business woman, entrepreneur, and married to a global superstar, that takes some doing, to remain grounded. Good luck to them both, i hope he gets his knighthood, that would be well deserved and a job as ambassador for Britain, which he has done very well.
Just what I was thinking too, Sandy. Has she ever been seen to smile in public? There was a clip of the couple arriving for the royal wedding, he smiling and relaxed, she with a rigid pout and eyes that would turn all to stone. If she can't smile then, when can she?
he was always likeable, just very shy, if you see the footage of him as a kid, quite awkward in front of cameras and that remained with him for years.
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//I agree, he deserves a K. But think of the drawbacks. Posh would become 'Lady Posh' and she's snooty enough already by all accounts//

Totally agree Sandy, can't understand why she looks so miserable being able to wake up next to him every morning! ;) He deserves better!
Don't agree with the Honours system in most cases but he has been an excellent Ambassador for our Country - think of him at the Olympic bid .......
He has never shown hmself up or been in trouble .......... a worthy Knight!
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.... and she would become unbearable as Lady Posh ..........
From what I've heard, Victoria is very shy and doesn't easily smile unless she is with close friends or family. I like David Beckham but I'm not sure about a knighthood; they seem to chuck them around like sweets these days. Maybe when he's a lot older and done more for the game or society. She wouldn't be Lady Victoria anyway, she'd be Lady Beckham.
It reminds me of Ian Botham saying "[my wife] Kathy loves being Lady Catherine." She's not! She's Lady Botham!
I blame the Edamame beans for her glum looks. Living on a couple of spoonfuls of them a day would make anybody look grumpy.
'End it like Beckham'

Well done Guardian
I agree with you Ann (even though you missed my original post)
He is a stunning looking gentleman and he does get better as he gets older
He even suits the tats and I HATE tats
His sons are all very handsome young men too - but I cannot help thinking Brooklyn looks like he should be called John or James
What are tats? Potatoes? Tattersall's ? Tatty clothes?

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David Beckham Retired ....

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