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Hamas, part two

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Lonnie | 14:42 Sat 28th Jan 2006 | News
21 Answers
Unfortunately, after seeing the news, and reding the papers, it looks like BigMac was mistaken, it appears that Hamas has not, and has no intention of renouncing their aim of destroying Israel, if they persist in this after, lets say one year after taking power, what would your solution be, I know we're talking to an extent hypothetically, and we know what Ward-Minters would do, but I would like to see, if you don't mind, what you feel should be done. thanks.


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I go along with Noxlumas with his dislike of extremists of all all religions, but Islam a peacful religion?, the way it is interpreted by some, maybe, let me put this by you. In the sayings of Mohamed, just to quote one part, 'On the day of Judgement, all the rocks and trees will shout, there's a Jew behind me, come and kill him', Now thats a peaceful statement if ever I saw one, also, take a look at Sharia law, the ones subscribing to that want to take over the world, and kill everyone, including fellow Muslims, who won't subscribe to it. While these people are around, the whole world is in danger.

I don't think there's another religous group anywhere that subscribes to the above, basically, they want to take us back to the middle ages, and keep us there.

Jerusalem, that originally was a place called Jebus, which King David took, and created Jerusalem, If it could be made an international city, maybe presided over by the UN, that would solve the stickiest problem, but there's no chance of that, by either side, mind you, a few years ago, in the pursuit of peace, Israel offered to give back all occupied territories, and part of Jeruselem, but Arafat said all or nothing.`

Mr Tamzarian, regarding the occupied territories, I agree they should be given back, for lasting peace, but when they were taken, who attacked who?,

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