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School Bank

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DJHawkes | 21:48 Tue 21st May 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I joined the school banlk when I was about 10, it was the Trustee Savings Bank. I stayed with the bank until after I left school and then went to the Midland as my sister worked there (we didn;t get discount mind). Now my LLoydsTSB bank says it is separating and there will be a TSB again! Pointless anecdotes can be surprisingly poignant and interesting.


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I too remember being in the TSB at school. We also were taken to the PO every Friday to buy a saving stamp, Princess Anne for girls and Prince Charles for boys, to save up for our holiday spends.
Whatever happened to the Williams and Glyn Bank?

Actually, come to think of it, I think it became RBS. Oops.
zebo, did you have half a crown stamps?
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no it became the nat west eventually i think
We bought stamps at school for the Birmingham Municipal Bank. It belonged to the Chamberlain family (the infamous Neville). That became the TSB

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