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Hmm Tricky One - Would You Tell Or Not?

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bednobs | 15:11 Tue 25th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
My lovely friend is forever wanging on about her little boy on facebook. My friend is quite straight laced. When she talks about her son on FB, she refers to him by his initials. The initials spell out a reference to a sexual act. Clearly she has no idea. Would you tell her?


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Actually Ocatvius, I meant that BJ himself will be past caring - i think his mum should live on in blissful ignorance - what's to be gained by embarassing the poor woman.
Andy, I know what you meant but this is a woman who clearly loves BJ, so she's unlikely to give a care either way.
i passed a top of the range, range rover yest that had a personalised plate, the last three letters were STD. i thought that was odd

i would be taking the pee out of your plate big time
I don't think I'd want to tell her either, andy.

The mother will be mortified and it's not like she can change her son's name now.

Wouldn't stop me sniggering (in private) at her FB posts though!

Better that than rub cream on it!
fluffy, I have a private number plate with 3 initials (mine) and they are just one vowel short of a semi-rude word.

I embrace my rudish initials, the first two are my own given name, and the last one I took on when I married Mr P. It makes me giggle looking at it, maybe Mr/Mrs/Ms STD does too?
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quite possibly. not sure i'd choose a plate like that though

triggs sweety, i am grown up and mature, just like you....
Nope, not at all- would stop being funny when she stopped doing it.

Years ago, my friend's husband was called Randy (he was American- popular there apparently) and they had two sons. Anyhoo, every Christmas/birthday/special occasion where a card was required she could never figure out why we were convulsed with laughter each time we got one from her, she's sign it off as "Randy Andrea and the boys"- we never did tell her.
it's not like she can change her son's name now.

She could change what she calls him, though. Why not just Ben?
jno, I agree, she could stop calling him BJ, but his initials will always be BJ and she might find that hard to get her head round.

(If you'll pardon the pun.)
you can call yourself whatever you want (you only have to go through legal rigmaroles for passports etc), so they could both just quietly forget about the J altogether and call him Ben.
... so my answer to bednobs would be yes, tell her privately, the rest is up to her in the meantime; when he grows up, it will be up to him.

Though personally I don't think I've ever actually used the expression BJ, though I know what it means. Is it all that commonly used?
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well that's a good question JNO - when i asked my friend at work if i should tell other friend, she just looked at me blankly when i said "she refers to him as BJ"
Paul and Jane Head called their son Richard.
I would tell her if she were my friend, but would be very surprised if she hadn't realised already. I would want to prevent it from becoming a nickname which he has to live down at school
Is it one of those double barreled names?

I have a friend who's daughter is called Karen-Yvette Jasmine Jeli. she calls her KY.
Shouldn't cause any friction Octavius.
There should be a school for some parents about naming their offspring.

Acquaintance, surnamed Park, called their Daughter Victoria. Led to all sorts of comments, eg, was she open 24/7?
I wouldn't tell her - it's far too late now, and anyway, he won't be the only one with those initials.

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