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2 Degrees Hotter Here Now Than It Was At 3Pm, It's 26 Now

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DJHawkes | 17:09 Mon 22nd Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
too hot to do anything, so i'm doing that.


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The thermometer in my lounge taking the reading outside says it is 33 deg here in East Midlands! Just been into town and the heat from the pavements was unbearably hot, and I really felt sorry for the assistants in the shops without air con, they were just melting!
24C here, and it feels really cool after the warm spell. North East.
More warm and a bit humid in Manchester. I went to the cinema and after a few hours in an airconditioned cinema (all to myself! :)) coming out was a bit like having a warm blanket wrapped round me. Not too bad out, still not that pleasant on buses though.

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