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With Smoking Going Out Of Fashion Would There Be Much Demand For Hats Like This Now?

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sandyRoe | 06:58 Fri 26th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

It seems reasonably priced at only £250 but who would wear them now?


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When I was a smoker, and drinker, I'd know I'd had a good night when I woke the next morning and found I'd singed my eyelashes while lighting my cigarettes.
Did you use a flame thrower to light your cigarettes?
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Now that you mention it, my hand must have been very shaky. Has nobody else done that?
Freddie Frinton made a living doing it on the stage
Aw, thanks, Sandy. I have an ear worm now!

I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical
Locks are wonderful. They have been going so long that they stock headgear which was last worn 100 years ago. You can buy proper deerstalkers and genuine opera hats; the ones that are top hats but which collapse flat, being spring loaded; there. Try buying a silk top hat and you'll get "Ah, well, we'll just see if there's anyone dead in your size, sir!" because the fabric isn't made now and so the source is always deceased estates and auctions.

And they still have that iron contraption which measures your head and produces a punched card showing every bump and undulation around it. This is solemnly preserved so you can order from home, if necessary.
Didn't the first Dr Who wear one.
Isn't it strange to think that men used to get dressed up like this, especially to go into their study or smoking room, to have a cigar? Presumably the hat and smoking jacket kept the smoke smell off their hair and clothese.
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I had a neighbour not so long ago who wore a smoking had and gown when he retired for a cigarette.....a charming eccentric.
Una Stubbs could wear one now I think...:-) x
Yes, boxy, and very sensible too. I smoke cigars all the time, and the smell penetrates everything, far more so than cigarette smell does, including the walls! Older generations had higher ceilings and bigger rooms in their houses than we have normally and they did have rooms set aside for smoking, away from the ladies. And, if they did smoke cigarettes, what they smoked was far darker and stronger than we have now.
that's obviously where the Ed gets his, boxtops
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There's nothing new under the sun, Boxtops. That's a modern copy of a Phrygian cap they're selling on E-Bay.
LOL, so it is!

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With Smoking Going Out Of Fashion Would There Be Much Demand For Hats Like This Now?

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