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The Wife

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marval | 15:42 Fri 09th Aug 2013 | Jokes
2 Answers
The wife went ballistic when I punched a constable yesterday.
She was nearly as mad as the museum staff.

My mate fancies himself as an artist and wants to sketch me.
I told him, "I'm very busy at the moment."
"How about next Sunday afternoon?" he suggested.
I said, "Not too sure - but pencil me in."

I couldn't book my holiday because the sign on the window at the travel agent said: GO AWAY!

Booked myself a holiday in Spain today.
Should've just used a travel agent in England, took me ages to get here.

Today I had to cancel my trip to India
It was a no Goa.

Who will take the second shot in this snooker game?
Find out after the break.

Past, Present and Future walked into a Bar
It was tense.

My talking dog gave me a stick the other day and told me he found it 600 miles away.
That's a bit far-fetched.

I recently bought 51% of a vampire hunting company.
I'm now the main stake holder.

I work as a waiter.
The pay isn't great but I put food on the table.



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who will eat the next mouthful of cornflakes? tune in next week .. it's a serial (cereal) the car boot stall sign read 'everything on this table one pound' i gave him a pound and took the lot away
15:45 Fri 09th Aug 2013

who will eat the next mouthful of cornflakes?
tune in next week .. it's a serial (cereal)

the car boot stall sign read 'everything on this table one pound'
i gave him a pound and took the lot away
Lol at marvel and excel!

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The Wife

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